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Dissertation Research

Persons with vaginas describe genito-pelvic pain in their intimate relationships: A Case Study.

Recruiting vaginaed persons to discuss experiences with

genito-pelvic pain conditions*


Do you have a genito-pelvic pain condition, like vulvodynia or vaginismus?

Are you currently or have you been in an intimate relationship with another person with a vagina in the last 3 years?


I am conducting research for my doctoral dissertation with persons with a vagina who have [vaginal] genito-pelvic pain and on the role it plays in their intimate relationships with other persons with vaginas. 


My research will explore the experiences of persons with vaginas who experience genito-pelvic pain (dyspareunia, vulvodynia, undiagnosed sexual pain) and the role that pain plays in their intimate relationships.

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About the Study

*My intent is to be as inclusionary as possible – seeking queer women, non-binary, assigned female at birth, trans persons with a vagina – the presence of a vaginal pain condition and having a relationship with another person with a vagina is the key to the population I am seeking.

Seeking participants for study who meet these qualifications:

  • Between 21-50 years old

  • Presence of a [vaginal] genito-pelvic pain (GPP) condition

  • Experienced GPP at least 4 times in the last year

  • Experienced GPP at least once in the last 2 months

  • Your GPP has affected your relationship(s)

  • Have been in at least one intimate relationship with a person with a vagina in the last 3 years

  • Have not experienced menopause

  • Have ability to participate via Zoom video call


This study is part of the researcher's doctoral education program.

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Contact me for questions or if interested in participating

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